The Teaching Talking Theatre    The project - The Shows


    Fabrizio Bonora


The Teaching Talking Theatre was founded in 2009 by actor-director Fabrizio Bonora and Claudia Helen Calvi, teacher and mother-tongue speaker with a history of dabbling in the theatrical.

The idea comes from the desire to use theatre as a means of assisting the teaching of English in Italian schools. The use of comedy and the interactive nature of the theatrical style employed allow the spectators to feel more at ease using the language they have acquired in the classroom and which in other circumstances they might feel shy or wary of using.

The distinctive adaptation of the stories means that the audience is entertained but is also stimulated to engage with the English language outside the formal context of the classroom. The continual interaction between the spectators and the actors makes for a dynamic, enjoyable and energy packed show.





Born in Nairobi in 1968, an English mother-tongue speaker, she studied Drama and Theatre Studies in Stratford-on-Avon and at the Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London.

She has taken part in productions at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Bloomsbury Theatre of London. At present, apart from collaborating with Fabrizio Bonora, she teaches English.




Born in Ferrara in 1958, he begins as an actor in Milan in 1978, with a group that takes over the community centre of Leoncavallo.

In 1979 he co-founds the  Teatro Nucleo  of Ferrara.

His main teachers are Cora Herrendorf and Horacio Czertock of Teatro Nucleo, Iben Nagel and Toni Cots of the Odin Teatret, Judith Malina of the Living Theatre.

He has taught in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Bologna and has been a guest at many international festivals with his work as a performer. Currently he is a teacher at the Escola de Clown of Barcelona.